The next step in preimplantation genetic screening.
Increased Success Rates
Higher Detection Resolution
Ploidy Status (PN Check)
UPD (Uniparental Disomy) Detection
Embryo46 provides enhanced sequencing resolution that can better detect smaller CNV fragments for chromosomal abnormalities. This allows for the selection of embryos that can result in higher pregnancy rates and fewer genetic complications.
Unlike traditional PGT-A, Embryo46 also detects haploidy (one set of chromosomes) and triploidy (three sets of chromosomes), which have been shown to cause miscarriage at a rate of 15-18% (Mutia K, et al. 2019). Selecting embryos with the correct set of two chromosomes (diploidy) increases successful pregnancy rates while reducing the risk of genetic abnormalities.
UPD occurs in approximately 0.05% of newborns, where both sets of chromosomes are inherited from one parent. This can lead to various imprinted genetic disorders, including Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.
A recent study has shown that our PGT-A test, Embryo46, led to higher successful pregnancy rates, higher live birth rates, and lower miscarriage rates.
Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) can be beneficial for any IVF patient, but patients who meet one or more of the following conditions have the most to gain from Embryo46:
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Do you have more questions? Curious about how Embryo46 can increase your clinic's success rate? Head over to our Contact page, or set up a learning session with our Global Business Development Directory Tiffany Wang by reaching out directly: [email protected]